Approximately one third of Australian's opt for a burial.
Why Choose A Burial?
One of the most common reasons people will choose a burial is to adhere to their religious beliefs. Traditionally, religions such as such as Greek Orthodox, Jewish, Muslim, Catholic and Hindu all buried their deceased. The timing, location and associated rituals will all vary according to religions and customs. In the case of religion, it is often not a question of burial or cremation but where a burial will be.
Some people may also have a preference due to their family traditions. It can be comforting for some to be located alongside, or in the same grave, as a loved one. For others it is simply a personal preference.
Religious Considerations
The after death care is often determined by religious beliefs. Some may mandate burials, while others cremate their deceased. Some religions are neutral. Religions that bury their deceased usually do so because they believe it shows respect and will protect the body. Four major religions which forbid cremation (in most cases) are: Jewish, Orthodox, Muslim and Catholicism (until recently). Catholicism allowed for the cremation of its followers in 1963, although it is generally held that burial is the preferred practice.
In many cemeteries there are certain divisions in which only plots associated with specific religions are permitted. Not every cemetery is equipped with a dedicated location for a certain religious group and our team is able to assist in find a cemetery which suits your needs.
The team at H.Parsons have extensive knowledge of the varied religious and cultural practices and customs for burials. We are able to make your service as personalised as possible to ensure your preferences are met. If you are unsure or have any questions about a religious requirements, please talk to our team of funeral arrangers.
The Process of Arranging a Burial
The first step to arranging a burial is to locate a plot in a cemetery or similar location. In some cases it is possible to bury a person on private property but burials normally take place in large, dedicated cemeteries. If you have a burial plot and location, please let our funeral arrangers know so that they can prepare. If not, there may be a few things to consider while choosing a cemetery.
Location - Is it in a convenient location for friends and family to visit?
Availability - Some cemeteries, particularly around inner Sydney, may not have any plots available.
Price - This can vary location by location.
Segregation - You may require a certain area devoted to one faith or culture.
Personal Preference - Did the deceased not like certain areas or prefer a certain view?
Next, there is the issue of where the service will be held. There are many options to choose from including one of the contemporary H.Parsons chapels, a function centre, outdoors at a beach or park or at the cemetery around the grave. Often, a family will hold a large and public service at the funeral home and then hold a smaller, more personal service at the grave site. There are multiple options however and our arrangers are able to assist you.
From this point, most aspects of a burial are similar to a cremation or crypt interment.
Natural Options
Natural burials are becoming more common in Australia and NSW however there are still only limited locations available.
A natural burial is one where the body is allowed to decompose at a natural rate. Natural materials which also breakdown in soil must be used for the shroud or coffin and the deceased may not be embalmed.
These types of burials are often chosen for their reduced impact on the environment and as a way for the deceased to be returned to nature.